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Birth Control Question

Posted: Wed Feb 17, 2016 10:18 pm
by venbrunette
So I have a question about birth control in regards to the temperature regulations.

This may seem silly to ask but last month I went camping and the temperature was said to have dropped down to around 32 degrees if not colder. I had about a week and a half left of my pill packet. I got my withdrawl bleed on the exact day as I normally do.

My question is since there are temperature limits on the bc packets (i believe mine said 59° if I'm not mistaken, I don't have my packet with me as I type this) could the pills from last month not be effective even though I recieved my withdrawl bleed for that month? And with the previous months pills somehow not being fully effective carry onto the pills that I have taken in the new bc packet?

I do apologize if the wording to my question seemed confusing. Just want to get some clarification on the matter at hand.

Re: Birth Control Question

Posted: Thu Feb 18, 2016 4:41 am
by Sam W
Hi Venbrunette,

If you've been taking the new pack according to the directions, especially if you're a ways into the pack, then the effectiveness should not have been compromised. However, if you're still concerned, it would be sound to call your pharmacist and explain what happened to them. In the meantime, if you're sexually active and not comfortable relying solely on your pill, you can always back up with condoms (we tend to recommend that anyway, as it adds a layer of protection).

Re: Birth Control Question

Posted: Thu Feb 18, 2016 6:57 am
by venbrunette
Hi sam!

Thank you so much for your response. I'll go ahead and talk with a pharmasist as well. The only concern i did have was that three days into my new bc packet the guy I was with had his penis inside of me for a very brief time and I had told him that I didn't feel comfortable without a condom. He never ejaculated inside of me. So I was just curious if there may be a concern for a pregnancy.

Re: Birth Control Question

Posted: Thu Feb 18, 2016 8:05 am
by Redskies
Hi venbrunette,

what that guy did sounds very not-okay. When you've told someone you're not comfortable with a particular sexual thing - including having contact without a barrier/condom - that should be the end of the matter, and they shouldn't try to do the thing you said you weren't comfortable with. I'm so sorry that's not how this guy was. Would you like to talk about it, or can we offer you any other kind of support?

(Scarleteen does not answer questions or talk with people about pregnancy fears. For more information: )

Re: Birth Control Question

Posted: Thu Feb 18, 2016 8:48 am
by venbrunette
Redskies, I think i'm fine really, just slightly worried that pre ejaculation could have occurred in the very brief time that he had his penis inside of me and that if having my last packet not fully effective (due to the extremities of the weather) that I could have ovulated at the beginning of my new birth control packet.

Re: Birth Control Question

Posted: Thu Feb 18, 2016 9:00 am
by venbrunette
Redskies, also wanted to quip in that it was accidental. I would like to discuss it with you further however not on a public forum as it is a little embarrassing. I'm not sure if there is any way possible to chat with you privately. If not that's totally okay, I wouldn't mind sharing it on here but would prefer it private :)

Re: Birth Control Question

Posted: Thu Feb 18, 2016 9:14 am
by Redskies
We have a chat service that's only viewable by our staff/vols. I can open that up for you now, if you like? Alternatively, our next scheduled chat hours are Friday 2-5 Pacific, or of course there's the boards here.

Please also remember that we don't discuss pregnancy worries, and that we close any board thread or live chat about that topic. If you're struggling with those kinds of worries, the right information, help and things to do are linked in the thread I just linked you to.

Re: Birth Control Question

Posted: Thu Feb 18, 2016 9:28 am
by venbrunette
That would be wonderful, if you could open it up! Not sure with the time difference for the scheduled chat hours i'll be at a computer during those times.

Okay wonderful, I'll be also calling a pharmacist to discuss the situation to see if I should be okay. In my mind I feel there is a slim risk due to receiving my withdraw bleed on the exact day as expected, but will further suppress my concerns once speaking to a pharmacist.

Re: Birth Control Question

Posted: Thu Feb 18, 2016 9:35 am
by Redskies
Sure thing, signing in in a few seconds :)

Re: Birth Control Question

Posted: Thu Feb 18, 2016 9:35 am
by venbrunette
Thank you so much Redskies! Greatly appreciate it! :)

Re: Birth Control Question

Posted: Thu Feb 18, 2016 9:42 am
by Redskies
( ... t_services if you need the link to the chat service)

Re: Birth Control Question

Posted: Thu Feb 18, 2016 9:48 am
by venbrunette
attempting to log onto the chat services however it isn't recognizing my username/password?

Re: Birth Control Question

Posted: Thu Feb 18, 2016 10:38 am
by Heather
The chat system doesn't ask for a username and password. It just asks for you to enter your name (whatever name you want to be using in the chat) and your email address, and includes a captcha at the bottom to keep spammers out.

Here is the link to it:

(However, I don't think anyone is staffing it right now.)