is it possible to rip out your intestines with suction through your vagina please answer i really need some reassurance

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is it possible to rip out your intestines with suction through your vagina please answer i really need some reassurance

Unread post by shelly1746 »

dear scarlet teen, a while back I had a conversation with my mom, about a particularly gruesome story I had heard in class. the conversation led to the sexual implications, and my mom, a nurse assured me that my worst nightmare is entirely possible. then I turned to professor internet, because my mom has lied to me before, in order to scare me away from things. I found nothing on the internet except the aforementioned news story, so I have decided to come here and ask:"can you pull out your intestines by suction through your vagina/ass?." I am really freaked out over this because well, the thought is absolutely terrifying, and I'm bi, will my intestines get ripped out of my body if I have sex with another girl wearing a strap on. I really need a answer and this message board is my last hope.
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Re: is it possible to rip out your intestines with suction through your vagina please answer i really need some reassura

Unread post by Heather »

No. This is not something that can happen with any kind of sexual activity. The only realistic risk of something like this - of intestinal injury through or via the reproductive organs - would be due to very rare complications or mistakes with certain surgeries, such as laparoscopic hysterectomy. Even then, that would be highly unusual, and the intestines would not be "ripped out."

Too, know that intercourse with a strap-on does not pose extra dangers intercourse with a penis does not. The only difference between the two with safety is that intercourse with a penis poses STI risks and risks of pregnancy strap-on sex doesn't.

I'm sorry to hear your mother abuses her medical authority to scare you. :(
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Re: is it possible to rip out your intestines with suction through your vagina please answer i really need some reassura

Unread post by shelly1746 »

thank you for your help it really means a lot to me :D
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