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My friend is featured in Buzzfeed LGBT!

Posted: Sun Feb 21, 2016 5:26 pm
by MusicNerd
She's a trans woman sex worker activist, and she was featured in Buzzfeed LGBT today! I'm super proud of her and felt the need to share her story here :) This Trans Sex Worker Wants To Use Her Ivy League Education To Build An Empire

Re: My friend is featured in Buzzfeed LGBT!

Posted: Mon Feb 22, 2016 9:05 am
by Heather
What a fantastic piece, and what a fantastic, inspiring woman! I can so see you being friends (and it also makes me happy to see you having friends who are as awesome as you are). :)

(Btw, UGH, Chicago cops. Please pass on my deepest sympathies to her. Growing up in Chicago, the mere sight of Chicago police would literally strike fear and dread into any of our hearts. While most -- if not all -- police forces have the same systematic problems that hurt Jara and so many other trans women, sex workers, etc., the Chicago police force is an especially problematic one, in pretty much all the ways the police and that system can be a problem.)

Re: My friend is featured in Buzzfeed LGBT!

Posted: Mon Feb 22, 2016 6:18 pm
by MusicNerd
aww, thanks Heather, you're so sweet! haha :) but yeah, i'll def let my friend know. yeah, I can only imagine that (in ways that police forces across the country are systemically problematic) a police presence Chicago would also instill fear in folks (especially trans women, and trans women of color).