Missed Last Active Pill! Please help!
Posted: Tue Sep 02, 2014 12:26 pm
I am taking Junel FE 1/20 and have never missed a pill. In my last cycle, I vomited shortly after taking the next to last active pill. I read that I was supposed to double up in the event of vomiting, so I took the last pill after I vomited. Since I did not have an active pill the last day, I started my placebos a day early, as this is what I was advised to do by my pharmacist. I'm wondering if this was the correct thing to do and if my protection from pregnancy was greatly reduced by this? The reason I am asking now is because I intended to use back up methods for the first seven days of my new pack, just in case, we used Conceptrol, a spermicide, and a condom, but the condom broke. That was just last night, so if you think it is needed, EC is still an option, but I don't want to take it for no reason. So, I'm freaking out now, wondering if this could have compromised my BC effectiveness. Also, do I need to wait seven days into my new pack before I am as protected as I was before? Please help me!