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Anxiety and relationship

Posted: Wed Mar 02, 2016 4:40 am
by Confusedwoman12

So I have this problem on my mind and I need to let my thoughts out!!

So i had a horrible time last year and I wont go into detail about that but basically I now have anxiety and depression. I have had mild anxiety for a long time but it been bad since october 2015 with many panic attacks and recently my sertraline has gone up to 100mg

Im a really lucky person though, I am now with an amazing guy whos so supportive and hes the best thing thats ever happened to me and I love him so much, but my mind keeps telling me to end it! but i dont want to! my mind over thinks things all the time and I have no idea how I am ever going to overcome this anxiety! I want to just scream it out of me! Im terrified that my anxiety is going to get the better of me!

Basically I just want comfort and someone outside of my situation to tell me ill be okay. I know I cant get much advice for anxiety on here but if anyone can relate to me , please get intouch

Re: Anxiety and relationship

Posted: Wed Mar 02, 2016 5:40 am
by Sam W
Hi confusedwoman,

This is something I know I can relate to. Early on in my current relationship, my jerkbrain had tendency to do what you're describing. Eventually I learned to distinguish (mostly) between things that were anxiety driven and actual things that were concerning me. What usually worked was taking a moment to pause and ask myself what evidence I had for the thoughts. If they were anxiety driven, I couldn't produce much evidence (or what I could produce was along the lines of "I don't know, but I'm DOOMED" which I learned to recognize as anxiety).

I want to ask, have you been seeing a therapist or counselor at all? They might also be able to help you come up with some strategies for coping with these thoughts.

Re: Anxiety and relationship

Posted: Fri Jul 01, 2016 11:37 am
by missmia
Hi confusedwoman,
I too struggle with anxiety and depression and have a very awesome and supportive partner!! My best advice would be to be open with your partner about these anxieties that you're having and your thoughts on ending the relationship. Sometimes, we feel like things are too good to be true and we want to end things because we feel that that would be better, right? The best thing to do is be open and honest about your feelings and to talk with him. I think it would strengthen your relationship and improve your faith in him.i know that when I was honest with my partner, he took better care of me and I was able to be a much better partner to him as well :)