Negative Pill Reaction = Negative Pregnancy Symptoms?

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Negative Pill Reaction = Negative Pregnancy Symptoms?

Unread post by jaexxi »

Hi! So I had to go off the pill a few months ago because I reacted so negatively to it. I was so nauseous day in and day out, I even vomited a few times, I was spotting all the time, and my migraines were worsened. My doctor said that although these symptoms early on while taking the pill were normal, the fact that mine lasted a month into the pill wasn't, so she took me off. I was wondering, if I reacted so negatively to the pill (I tried two different ones, both had similar reactions) would I react negatively to early pregnancy/pregnancy in general?
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Re: Negative Pill Reaction = Negative Pregnancy Symptoms?

Unread post by Carmen »

Hi Jaexii,

Because everyone's bodies are different and because we are not health professionals here I can't answer that question. If you are very concerned though, I am sure that is something your doctor could talk to you about :)
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