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Urgent: please respond ASAP

Posted: Sun Mar 06, 2016 9:41 am
by vennisa65
I start my new pack of birth control today, Sunday. (I was on the placebos) and this month I took them at 5:30/6:00pm because I was in Spain so I changed it from my usual time at 10pm to earlier, at 6. I want to move it back to 10:00pm again. Can I start my next pack at 10:00 pm and still have full protection? I use this for contraception only, and I had sex last night as well, so will my effectiveness decrease if I move it back 4 hours? Should I take plan B?

Re: Urgent: please respond ASAP

Posted: Sun Mar 06, 2016 10:57 am
by Stephanie
You can start your next pill pack at the time you want to be taking it, that's not a problem. Just make sure you don't forget to take the pill since you're changing times :)