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What's in Your Safer Sex Kit?

Posted: Wed Sep 03, 2014 9:41 am
by Sam W
In Safe, Sound & Sexy: A Safer Sex How-To, we discussed why you should consider putting together a safer sex kit, and what things you can include in it. So, if you've got a safer sex kit, what do you keep in it?

Mine is pretty basic: External condoms, a dental dam, and lube.

Re: What's in Your Safer Sex Kit?

Posted: Sun Sep 07, 2014 8:15 pm
by Onionpie
Mine includes: flavoured external condoms, non-flavoured external condoms, one glow-in-the-dark one because it looks hilarious, and some (awesome vegan, paraben-free, not-gross-smelling) lube! :D

Re: What's in Your Safer Sex Kit?

Posted: Mon Jan 19, 2015 4:53 pm
by TheNiteHawk
I felt like adding to this post because I've finally got around to writing down a list for my own kit. Inspired by that exact article that Sam linked in the first post!

I have a little box that I made when I was young, it's basically a wooden treasure chest. I never even imagined I'd be using it for what it is now. :-p

My list is:
-Latex Condoms
-Water- or Silicone-Based Lubricant
-Latex Finger Cots
-Latex Gloves (Preferred)
-Dental Dams
-Small Scissors (for turning gloves/condoms into dams)

*Anything latex can be replaced with non-latex, if necessary

I've got everything aside from the gloves and dental dams. I'll probably be getting the gloves near the end of this month and I'll just be making the dams as need be, because nowhere around here sells them. I put it together probably last Fall.
I've never had to use it yet (I didn't have it when I was with my last girlfriend (which is the only one I've gotten intimate with), and what we did didn't require any of the items on the list), but I'm sure it'll come in handy when I go off to college in the Fall.

Re: What's in Your Safer Sex Kit?

Posted: Mon Jan 19, 2015 4:58 pm
by Mo
Sounds like a well-stocked kit! It's good to plan ahead and be prepared. :)

Re: What's in Your Safer Sex Kit?

Posted: Mon Oct 05, 2015 10:01 pm
by PrincessLuLu
I would say I do pretty well at being 'prepared' with my own version of a "safer sex kit". I think that what one needs will depend on a lot of things, like sexual orientation, personal preferences, etc. Anyways, I have a 'sex drawer' if you will in the nightstand on one side of my bed in my apartment. In it is the following:
-a box of 12 Trojan Magnum XL condoms
-a big bottle of KY
-a bottle of One brand silicone lube (dont use it much just in shower occasionally)
-a purple durex play mini vibrator
-two packets of Rain brand water-based lube I got for free from my university's wellness group
-two Trojan ENZ lubricated condoms (prob wont use cause they're too tight on my SO), also free from university
-a Trust brand dental dam (once again, free from the university I attend)
-box containing Aftera (generic for Plan B, as they're identical but this was $10 cheaper) emergency contraceptive pill, just in case
-box of Durex tropical flavored condoms
I also have packs of TriSprintec (my birth control pills), but those stay with my medicine, except the one im currently on which is on top of my dresser so i see it every morning. I also utilize the Clue app to keep track of my cycle & other reproductive health stuff. Finally, I have latex gloves & finger cots but I haven't used them (they're with bandaids in my bathroom)