Some questions about condoms.

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Some questions about condoms.

Unread post by purpjuice »

I've been searching Google for a while now for answers to the questions I have about condoms. My boyfriend and I have been sexually active since October of last year, and yes, I have had approximately 4 pregnancy scares last year. Each time, my period came without fail and kicked me in the butt for being so paranoid. I had my most recent period on February 11th.

Anyways, I have a couple questions about condoms, and whether what I experience is normal. My boyfriend, since the first time we ever had sex, has used condoms correctly. We do all our romantic fancy schmancy stuff, then he puts on the condom before he enters me. He never ever initiates intercourse without making sure the condom is on. He pinches the top, and rolls it down. It also fits snugly on him and there are no air bubbles. Here are my questions..

1. Is it okay for him to stay inside me when he comes (with the condom on?) for a few seconds to a minute?

2. He only sometimes grabs the base of the condom when withdrawing, but even when he doesn't, it comes off without slipping. Is there any pregnancy risk if it doesn't slip off at all when he DOES NOT grab the base?

3. The condom has never broken or slipped off for us. However, some people have said that semen can seep out of the base of the condom. Not in the way if it breaks or leaks -- like if you squeeze it too hard the semen seeps out at the bottom. Is this possible, even with perfect use? Usually when we finish I freak out because there's white creamy liquid on his you know what but he always assures it's me.

4. Is it normal for the penis to have about 1/2-1 inch of space left where the condom is not rolled down at the very bottom?

5. The most embarrassing question but if some semen did 'seep out' of the bottom of the condom, how likely will I get pregnant? The base is never inside of me, but I am aware that any semen coming in contact with the vulva can cause pregnancy. But for sure I can say that semen has never gotten inside of me, if you know what I mean, since the condom has never broken or leaked.

6. And weird question number five, to all ladies who have unprotected sex with their SO's -- when a guy 'finishes' in you without a condom, do you feel it? Like liquid up in your vag or does it feel like absolutely nothing? I have no experience with the feeling as I have never had unprotected sex.
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Re: Some questions about condoms.

Unread post by Stephanie »

Hi there! I'm going to go straight through your numbers to make sure I get everything.

1 + 2. Condoms are meant to hold ejaculate. So it's find for him to stay inside during ejaculation as long as before he loses his erection he (or you) holds the base and withdrawals. Holding the base is very important to make sure every time the condom remains where it should be. Never know when the one time it may slip could occur.

3. If he is making sure to pinch the tip to leave room for ejaculate, holding the base during withdrawal to ensure it doesn't slip off, and withdrawing prior to losing his erection and using a condom that fits, this will not occur.

4. Most condoms are made long, and generally speaking you shouldn't expect them to roll all the way down. You want to have a pinch at the tip with a drop of lubricant but no air, and then hold that while you roll the rest of the condom down so you still have some rolled up condom at the base.

5. If a condom has been used correctly for all contact and does not break or slip off it has not failed.

6. It really varies person to person, time to time, etc. Have a look at this response: ... _ejaculate
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Re: Some questions about condoms.

Unread post by Heather »

Just a quickie correction on number one there: best practices for condom use -- and part of proper use -- involve the person wearing the condom withdrawing as soon as they ejaculate, not having out for a while afterwards. So, to do all you can to assure condoms give you the most protection you can, it is actually important for your partner to withdraw right after.

On number six, btw, no, that is not something most people are likely to feel until the ejaculate starts to run out of the vagina. For one, the vagina itself is moist, and the back of the vagina also doesn't have the kind of sensory nerve endings to feel much except for pressure, not things as subtle as a teaspoonfull or so of fluid.
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