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The right BC for me?

Posted: Sat Mar 12, 2016 10:46 am
by imwondering_
Hi, thank you for answering my last question. I've read the pregnancy scary companion and it has kinda put my mind at ease. I now would like to ask about birth control. My bf and I use condoms all the time. It's nice and all but sometimes I feel like it's not enough. I have bought spermicide but never use it because I have had UTI in the past and I read spermicide can cause one too.. I am also not able to take pill due to the fact that I have a heart problem and migraine. I live in Asia so it's hard for me to go to hospital and ask for IUD, only married women are advised to go there. Do you have any advice for me regarding future use of 2nd method of BC? Thanks!

Re: The right BC for me?

Posted: Sat Mar 12, 2016 11:21 am
by Redskies
Very happy to help you out with this!

Yes, very usually, a heart condition and migraine means that it isn't suitable for a person to use a birth control method that includes estrogen. Depending on your own particular medical situation - which you'd need a healthcare provider to tell you for sure - it's likely that you would be able to use other hormonal methods that only contain progestin.

Generally, condoms and spermicide are the only methods available without seeing a healthcare provider, so if you want to consider any other method, you'll likely need to see one. If you're living in a place where it's harder to get birth control - and I'm sorry for that, because we all at Scarleteen think that it should be available to anyone who wants and needs it - then you might just have to do what you can to access what you need, even if it's harder. We're happy to support you in that and help you figure out who you can see and how, if you need. Even if there's general social disapproval, there are often still ways that it is possible for you to access what you want. Which methods are available in which country can vary a little, but most methods are available in most places.

If you want to explore what methods exist and find out a bit about them, you can have a look at our Birth Control Bingo!. From what you've said so far, ... t_estrogen and ... hod_for_me are the most relevant parts. If you've had a look through those, is there a particular method you're interested in? Or anything that you especially do/don't want from a method?