Curious about a video

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Curious about a video

Unread post by Bliss »

I saw a video of a 20 year old lady who got pregnant by - according to what she said in non verbatim -: "him touching his [penis] and then touching [my vagina/vulva]". According to that video she's 30+ weeks pregnant (up until the date it was uploaded)

I was shocked because usually for pregnancy to be possible the guy's hand should be wet with semen.

What are your thoughts about this?
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Re: Curious about a video

Unread post by Heather »

We can't speak to content other people create online, but we certainly can say that it's quite common for anecdotal stories about anything -- be it pregnancy or UFOs -- aren't always true, well-informed, and often reflect what people think and know, which often isn't based in facts.
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