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Just a little unsure!!

Posted: Sat Mar 26, 2016 5:39 pm
by ThisIsMe123
Hi! Just want to start off by saying this isn't a pregnancy scare post, I know the rules! :lol: but I do have a few questions! Two weeks ago I went on a holiday with my boyfriend, and I was on a penicillin antibiotic for strep throat, and it was my second round of ten day antibiotics in one month. I'm taking the pill, but knew about the question about efficacy and the likes, so backed up contraception with a condom! Except, of course it would happen to me in a country I didn't speak the language, that the condom broke and it was too late. So I got EC that day, and continued taking my pill and using condoms for the remainder of the time there and haven't had sex since.
My question is, could my EC be compromised by the antibiotic or? And if not could my period be in anyway delayed or anything, because it's due tomorrow and is always on time since I started the pill a year and a half ago, so just wanted to know if there's a chance of anything like that?
Apologies about the long post, but I didn't quite get a chance to ask many questions when I was away and got the EC :oops:
Thank you :)

Re: Just a little unsure!!

Posted: Sat Mar 26, 2016 5:48 pm
by Karyn
I actually don't know whether EC would possibly be compromised by penicillin. The best person to ask about that would be a pharmacist: obviously not the pharmacist who gave it to you in the first place, as you're home now, but you could talk to someone at your local pharmacy and see what they say.

As for your period, it's possible that it could show up late. EC can cause some cycle wonkiness for a while, even when you're on the pill, and that includes the possibility of a late period.

Honestly, there's not much you can do now except wait to see if your period shows up and if it doesn't, take a pregnancy test. I know that waiting can be hard, but that's just the way it goes sometimes, unfortunately.

Re: Just a little unsure!!

Posted: Sat Mar 26, 2016 5:51 pm
by ThisIsMe123
I think I might just have to ask! Haha
Thanks so much anyway, I just thought I'd chance my arm! Besides its great to know that my period may be late on the off chance it could happen! :)

Re: Just a little unsure!!

Posted: Sat Mar 26, 2016 5:51 pm
by ThisIsMe123
Yes of course, thank you for the advice anyway! :)

Re: Just a little unsure!!

Posted: Sat Mar 26, 2016 6:01 pm
by Karyn
You're welcome. :)