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Love & Support for those in Lahore, Brussels, Paris

Posted: Sun Mar 27, 2016 11:21 am
by Heather
What just happened in Lahore, Pakistan is so harrowing and terrible I don't even have words: all I have been able to do, honestly, is to weep and feel compassion and sorrow. And this on the heels of the recent violence in Brussels and Paris as well.

We're an international site, so I very much hope everyone in our community, all their friends and family, are okay. It's so hard to know what to say in situations like this because it feels like nothing can possibly be good enough, or express enough sympathy: I often feel like anything I could say sounds glib or trite, despite its earnestness.

So, it feels like the best I can do for and in our community is to leave a thread like this for anyone and everyone to share or ask for support, and for all of us to wish our very best and send all of our <whatever it is you've got that's your version of prayers> out.

I am so heartbroken and horrified, I barely know how to express it. I'm sending out all of the love and peace I've got to everyone right now.