Birth control to stop period mid flow

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Birth control to stop period mid flow

Unread post by mel121 »

I've been on birth control for the past year now taking it regularly for three weeks then missing a week to have a period. I started my period today but just had an invitation to an event in a few days where being on my period would just be a massive pain. I read online that taking birth control now would stop the period mid flow. I was wondering if this is true and would there be any side effects. I have used birth control to completely skip a period before hand but never to stop mid flow.
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Re: Birth control to stop period mid flow

Unread post by Heather »

I don't know what method you're referring to ("birth control" is a term that means ALL methods of contraception, not any one), but I can't speak to any method of contraception with the likely ability to do that. Some people find that when they start a new pill/patch/ring if they are still having a withdrawal bleed, it slows down or stops, but a) that isn't how it goes for everyone, and b) that doesn't sound like what you're looking for here. I also suspect that for those who regularly suppress withdrawal bleeds, and and thus, only having them sporadically anyway, that result would be less likely.

However, if it's helpful, as someone who has had very severe and disruptive menstrual impact for decades, I have certainly found myself in the position of having to manage that while also doing demanding things, I'd be glad to talk strategy with you so that you can have a period and still do anything you want to do. :)
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