Condoms and Oil

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Condoms and Oil

Unread post by aj2234 »

Hiya guys! Just a quick, curious question. I know oil-based lubricants and other oils damage condoms. I was just wondering in what specific way they 'damage' them? Does it make them more susceptible to breakages, or other, noticeable condoms failures?
Also, I use coconut oil as a moisturiser, including on my vaginal area. I was just wondering if that, rubbed in but slightly greasy feel on my vulva is enough to impact on a condom, or if it needed to be a more lubricant-like amount for any damage to occur.

Thanks guys! Also, health update from previous posts: I'm completely pneumonia-free!
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Re: Condoms and Oil

Unread post by Heather »

They degrade the latex, basically, and thus, make them more prone to breaking.

Personally, unless you're using non-latex condoms -- where the oil issue is a non-issue -- I'd play it safe and swap out for a different vaginal moisturizer if you need one than anything oil-based. You want to use something that plays nice with latex condoms. Most vaginal moisturizers designed for peri-menopausal or menopausal people are latex-friendly.

OR, you can switch to using non-latex condoms. You just don't want to use the ones labeled as "lambskin" as they don't provide effective STI protection.

And hooray! So glad to hear it. :)
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Re: Condoms and Oil

Unread post by aj2234 »

Ah, I understand. At least it makes a noticeable difference in the condom so that one can tell.

I think I'll just switch out my moisturiser! I really only use it when I shave, so it's not a big bother to play it on the safe side with this.

Thanks, Heather! :)
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