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Sex... and braces

Posted: Thu Sep 04, 2014 6:17 pm
by TheNiteHawk
I have braces. I have them on for at least another year or two (sucks), and I will be going to college. I was originally worried about girls not wanting to date me due to them, but I realized that I won't be the only person who has them, and any girl who refuses to date me because I have braces isn't a girl I'll really want to date anyway.

Onto the matter at hand. I was wondering if there would be any difficulties (whilst wearing braces) with:
-Kissing/Making Out
-French Kissing

(I have no experience in those two matters, and of these I'm mostly worried about damaging the dental dam which may possibly cause my partner injury, and increase the STI/STD risks)

Re: Sex... and braces

Posted: Thu Sep 04, 2014 7:08 pm
by Mo
I have not had braces, but I did have a partner for several months who did have them. We never had oral sex of any kind but we kissed a lot, and I really enjoyed kissing him; the braces definitely didn't change my enjoyment at all.
There were times that I felt his braces during kissing but it wasn't super painful, and once we'd been together for a while we figured out how to minimize brace-scraping. I'd say that as long as you aren't using a lot of force pushing your mouth against a partner, you'll probably be fine while you figure things out. I'd imagine it's the same for the dental dam as well - if you aren't pressing your teeth forcefully and directly against a dam it's not likely to break from your braces. And this is definitely something you could bring up with a partner too, by saying something like "if I nick you with my braces, please let me know so I can do something different" before or while you're kissing.

Re: Sex... and braces

Posted: Fri Sep 05, 2014 11:33 am
by TheNiteHawk
Thanks Mo! You answer helps a lot!

It's not that I'm worried about breaking a dental dam, just more along the lines of accidentally cutting a hole in it. (which, I suppose, would be breaking it) I don't know if there are varying thicknesses or not, and if so, what would be better.

Re: Sex... and braces

Posted: Sun Sep 07, 2014 1:41 pm
by TheNiteHawk
I suppose it would depend on what you use. Plastic wrap (non-microwavable) would be very thin and probably wouldn't be a good idea. Cutting a condom or a latex (or non-latex) glove apart would probably be the best. I have no idea if places around here or wherever I would be when I wanted to engage in such activities would even carry dental dams. It would be one of those things worth testing beforehand.

Also, about discussing this with my partner, it would just be easiest to tell them what Mo suggested,
if I nick you with my braces, please let me know so I can do something different
before I kiss them or use my mouth on other parts of their body.

Re: Sex... and braces

Posted: Sun Sep 07, 2014 8:12 pm
by Onionpie
NiteHawk, it sounds like you have this all figured out :) It seems to me that you are a really thoughtful and considerate person, and that's an excellent thing to be as a sexual partner, so I think this will all go totally fine for you!

Re: Sex... and braces

Posted: Mon Sep 08, 2014 12:31 pm
by TheNiteHawk
Thank you Onionpie! Although I haven't had a partner I've needed to discuss such things with (or much of anything with, really), I always find it best to be prepared. And that's what I'm doing, and I'm proud of myself for it. :)

Re: Sex... and braces

Posted: Sun Nov 25, 2018 8:06 pm
by solareclipse94

I have had braces on for almost a year now and I had my first kiss recently (while I still have braces on). The guy didnt complain about my braces whatsoever.