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BC methods and no-risk activities

Posted: Sun Apr 24, 2016 10:17 am
by Redskies
Hi Terra,

you asked
But aren't there like anything I could do to have a relationship that is sexually active and I don't have to be afraid of ending up pregnant.
But isn't there any methods without consuming pills(costly), condom(too risky), vasectomy(too crazy), pull-out(still risky)?
We have a list of sexual activities that have no pregnancy risk: NO Pregnancy Risks. Part of making good sexual decisions is also about feeling good and comfortable afterwards, so if you find that you don't feel okay with some of those activities, that's a good indication that it's not right for you at the moment. It's wise to pass on anything that you don't feel comfortable with.

There are lots of different contraception methods! Whether they cost money depends on what kind of public healthcare and/or insurance you have: if you're not sure about what might be available to you, we're happy to help you look. Our information on contraception methods starts at Birth Control Bingo!.

I'm not sure where you heard that condoms are risky? Condoms are a good method of contraception when they're used properly. If and when they fail, it's most usually because people didn't know how to use them correctly or just didn't use one at all. For people who want a very high level of protection from pregnancy, we usually suggest using two methods together, like we talk about in The Buddy System: Effectiveness Rates for Backing Up Your Birth Control With a Second Method. Condoms are often an excellent choice to use with a second method, because they also provide protection from sexually transmitted infections.

Re: BC methods and no-risk activities

Posted: Sun Apr 24, 2016 2:27 pm
by Terra
Thanks, but can't SOME of the sexual activities that you gave cause pregnancy? I'm not sure of this, but i've read some in the internet such as oral sex, where the girl gives the guy a blowjob and after that the guy licks the girls vaginal opening. Precum transported to the girl's vaginal opening. But I'm not really sure about this.

Well, condoms have possibilities like breaking or slipping off. Thanks for the articles.

Re: BC methods and no-risk activities

Posted: Sun Apr 24, 2016 5:26 pm
by Redskies
All the things in the "NO pregnancy risk" list have no pregnancy risk. It'd be a terrible list otherwise, and we certainly wouldn't be doing our jobs as sex educators! There's a lot of misinformation on the internet about reproduction and pregnancy, so you need to be careful where you get your information from. Try to stick with educated, factual sources of sex education, and not general people, because too many people don't know correctly themself or try to mislead others.

Where your threads have been locked, in the replies you've been given, there are links to lots of information on our site about reproduction and how pregnancy can and can't happen. How about having a read of some of that and finding out some better factual information?

True, condoms can slip off or break. But very usually, those things happen because someone made a mistake in using them, and didn't use them as condoms are supposed to be used. Breaks or slips when a condom was being used correctly are very rare. Too, no method of contraception is 100% effective: many of them are very highly effective when used correctly, but they're still not 100%. Two methods used correctly together make the chance of pregnancy very tiny, which is alright for most people. Some people feel like even the tiniest chance isn't okay for them, which is when we suggest not doing anything that has any pregnancy risk.

Re: BC methods and no-risk activities

Posted: Mon Apr 25, 2016 1:34 am
by Terra
Okay, are there any other possible ways (for me to prevent) that could cause pregnancy other than,
- ejaculation inside vagina
- a finger full of fresh ejaculation inserted inside a vagina
- dripping of semen from bodies before wiping off (stomach,anus,back)

I think the best way for me to have sexual activity without worrying in the end, is to prevent myself from what could cause pregnancy. (without using any method of birth control)

Re: BC methods and no-risk activities

Posted: Mon Apr 25, 2016 4:53 am
by Sam W
As the articles and information we've given you already answer those questions, I am going to go ahead and close this thread.