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Too much masturbation?
Posted: Tue Apr 26, 2016 9:21 pm
by ballerina99
So very recently I decided to try masturbating. I've done it a few times but I don't think I've had an orgasm yet. I read that that is totally normal. Is that correct? Is it okay not to have an orgasm when you masturbate? Also, I guess I was sort of excited when I found something new that was private and pleasurable so I've been trying pretty frequently. I masturbates about 3 times today. I didn't orgasm any of the times (I don't think). Is that too much? Is there such a thing as too much mastubation? I want to make sure I'm not harming myself without knowing it. Thanks so much.
Re: Too much masturbation?
Posted: Wed Apr 27, 2016 4:39 am
by Sam W
Hi ballerina,
You're right that not everyone orgasms from masturbation (although plenty of people use it to figure out what kinds of things do lead to orgasm for their body). So, no worries there. As far as frequency goes, there are pretty much two times that masturbating a lot becomes cause for concern. One is if you're doing it so much that you're literally hurting yourself (like, your genitals are getting raw or bruised). The other is if masturbation is getting in the way of things you need to do or want to do (for example, if you kept passing up the chance to hang out with friends in order to stay in and masturbate, that might be a sign that something was up). These articles have more information if you're curious (the sex toy one touches on masturbation quite a bit)
D.I.Y. Sex Toys: Self-Love Edition
Is Masturbation Okay? (Yep.)
Re: Too much masturbation?
Posted: Wed Apr 27, 2016 7:45 am
by ballerina99
Okay, thank you so much for the info!!