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Broken condom?!

Posted: Wed Apr 27, 2016 4:30 pm
by BeeNot
I've had sex for the 3rd time around 12 hours ago and somehow the condom broke right after he finished, when he took his penis out from me. Most of the semen leaked on the bed, but there was a pretty big amount in my vagina as well. I've been on the pill for almost 4 month, I will finish my pack on the next Wednesday, 4th of May and I had my last period between 9th and 13th of April.
As I freaked out because I know no birth control is 100% effective, I went to the clinic I got my birth control from to get the morning after pill. The lady told me that as long as I didn't miss any pills this month I would be fine. I did miss two of the pills in different days, not in a row and took them the next day when I remembered about them, but I can't remember if it happened this month or in March.
Do you think I would be fine? And just to reassure, when could I take a test?

Re: Broken condom?!

Posted: Wed Apr 27, 2016 5:01 pm
by Heather
I'm sorry, I'm not sure exactly what you're asking here. It sounds, to me, like you're saying you had a condom break, but are already on the pill, and may have also used emergency contraception, in order to -- with one or both -- take care of pregnancy prevention as best you can, so you've done all you can do there.

In terms of when someone can take a pregnancy test and expect accurate results, most tests instructions state that they should be used when someone has a missed or late period.

Re: Broken condom?!

Posted: Wed Apr 27, 2016 5:16 pm
by BeeNot
Thank you for your response, I am sorry for this misunderstanding, I didn't make myself clear. Yes, I had a condom break and I'm also on birth control. I wanted to take the emergency contraception just to make sure everything would be alright, but I did not as the lady at the clinic told me I would be fine as long as I didn't miss any pills this month - so I was just asking if you think I would be fine as no birth control is 100% effective.
Thank you!

Re: Broken condom?!

Posted: Wed Apr 27, 2016 5:18 pm
by Heather
If by fine you mean pregnant or not pregnant, that's not something we can answer, it's just something all anyone can ever do is do what they can do -- as you did with already using a method -- and see what happens from there. Alas, we lack a crystal ball. :)

However, this isn't the first time you've had trouble with condom use, so if you want to talk about how you're using condoms so that you're less likely to keep having them slip off or break in the future, we can certainly do that with you.