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Thank you!

Posted: Sun May 01, 2016 12:53 pm
by littlemissp
Hi, Scarleteen! Something happened today and it made me realise how important it was to share it with you. I found this website a year ago, I lost my password so I had to create this new account more recently but your team have been helping me ever since I've started being sexual active and I'm forever thankful for that. As usual and despite being on BC, my boyfriend always wears a condom. It has been that since the start and we never changed it because I feel more comfortable that way. Today, while having sex the condom broke and if that would've been a nightmare a couple of months ago, with me probably losing my mind even though I knew I was protected thanks to BC, today it wasn't. Why? Because you've guided through my anxiety and, quite frankly, educated me in a way that no one has ever done before. And I'm forever thankful for that. Now I can enjoy a normal life, conscious of the things I do. So, for that and more, thank you so much Scarleteen. You not only helped me with my fears but you also helped me growing up xx

Re: Thank you!

Posted: Sun May 01, 2016 1:42 pm
by Heather
You're so welcome, and I am so, so glad to hear this is where you're at these days with all this. HOORAY!

(Of course, if you want to talk about how to prevent condoms from breaking, we can. Only about one in every few thousand will break with proper use, so when they break, it's almost always due to some way they're not being used properly.)

Re: Thank you!

Posted: Sun May 01, 2016 1:57 pm
by littlemissp
No, Heather, it's alright! I wrote broken but I meant too big, sorry! We used a different type of condoms and my boyfriend said they didn't feel as tight as the others did but we never thought it would be enough for the condom to slip. We just need to go back to the previous brand and we'll be ok.
I just thought I should leave my story here for newbies that, like me, were scared to death of the "what if's" not because they were not safe but because sexuality and being sexually active was something unknown to them.

Re: Thank you!

Posted: Sun May 01, 2016 2:04 pm
by Heather
Ah, oops! And yep, that'll sure do that! Now you both know for any next times that if it feels loose, that's because it is. So glad you were able to just take this live-and-learn as a note, though, without it derailing your life and sense of well-being. That's truly such wonderful news.

Re: Thank you!

Posted: Sun May 01, 2016 2:24 pm
by littlemissp
Nothing like this had ever happened before and, to be honest, I didn't know I would react like this but I'm so so glad I changed. It's such a relief, I couldn't be happier. Once again, thank you for everything and I hope you can help a lot of people the way you helped me. It's fair to say that you changed my life for the better! Thank you!

Re: Thank you!

Posted: Sun May 01, 2016 2:33 pm
by Heather
You are so very welcome. I couldn't be more glad it was so valuable and beneficial to you. :)