Breakthrough Bleeding?

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Breakthrough Bleeding?

Unread post by ZannahGirl1 »

Hi, Scarleteen,

I am sexually active and have been for a while now, and have never had sex without at least two (most of the time
three) forms of birth control (the pill, condom, withdrawal). I was on the birth control pill for over a year, and then my insurance messed up and I went off of it for a month, and had a completely normal cycle--normal PMS, normal sans pill period. I then began my next pack of birth control on the Sunday after my period began, as instructed. My pill packaging info says that if you do a Sunday start, you have to wait for a week before you can expect to be protected, so my boyfriend and I opted to abstain from sex until about two weeks into my pack. When we finally did have sex, it was painful, which I assumed was from a lack of foreplay. The next day, I noticed a tiny bit of blood when I wiped in the bathroom, and thought nothing of it. Well, we had sex again that day, and it was at first painful but it subsided. Then, my boyfriend realized that there was blood on the condom, and we immediately stopped. I went to the bathroom and sure enough, when I wiped, there was bright red blood. I've been wearing panty liners for a couple of days now, and there's not too much on them, but there's a significant amount of blood when I wipe. The blood has also gone from red to brown to red again. I'm not in any kind of pain and it's not gushing by any means, but I'm just wondering what's going on. When I first began the pill a year ago, I did have a couple of weeks of brown breakthrough bleeding, which my doctor said was nothing to worry about. Could that be what this is, or could it have been triggered by sex? My mom doesn't know that I'm sexually active, and I would really prefer not to have to schedule a secret appointment with my
gyno. I'm not overly concerned, but I just thought you guys would have some good things to say. Thanks for any help! :)
Sam W
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Re: Breakthrough Bleeding?

Unread post by Sam W »

Hi Zannahgirl,

This is one of those things that we can't diagnose over the internet. It could be a side effect of starting your pill up again, or your period coming at an unexpected time. But, the best person to talk to would be a healthcare provider, so if you continue to have concerns I would check in with them (if your mom knows about you being on the pill, you could always tell her that you think you might be having some odd side effects and want to check in about them ).
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