Apologizing about some hurtful words said

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Apologizing about some hurtful words said

Unread post by Northstargirl »

Long story short.... I've been dating this guy for two years when we found out we were pregnant. Both of us were completely freaked out but decided to keep the baby. I was in my second trimester when I lost the baby and had severe complications from the late term miscarriage. Which, I became very depressed and angry about the situation and. It took a toll on the relationship and one day. He made me mad, and I completely went crazy on him. I said some pretty hurtful, disrespectful, embarrassing words and pushed him away. I throughout this whole pregnancy and the loss he was there for me. He went above and beyond and was there for all the appointments etc. I'm disgusted with myself and the way I treated him. I'm not good at righting apologizes and have been nervous about sending this to him. What is your opinion on the apology?

This apology letter is long overdue. The last time we saw each other, I said some very hurtful words. The moment those words left my lips I knew that I made a hurtful mistake. Your reaction was justified, and if someone I knew or cared about had said those things to me, I would have reacted the same way. "I'm Sorry" doesn't seem to be adequate. I wish I knew how to say it better. I've thought of that conversation and others we've had and wonder how I could have been so hurtful to a friend.

I've been so nervous about writing you this letter. Because I know you felt very disrespected about the way, I treated you that day and probably irritated with me with other conversations we’ve had. But, I just wanted to say I’m sorry and my behavior that day and several other times was immature and embarrassing on my part. It’s most definitely not the person I am and ever wanted to be.
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Re: Apologizing about some hurtful words said

Unread post by Heather »

Really, this kind of thing is all about how YOU feel about it.

But it's also hard to give feedback, if you want that, without having a sense of what your relationship is now. Are you still dating this person? If so, when did all of this happen, and how long has passed in between? Assuming you're still in some kind of relationship, what's gone on in the interim? have you just not seen each other or talked at all yet, or...?
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