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Antibiotics and the pill

Posted: Wed May 11, 2016 12:05 pm
by kudfc6f5duxc

I am on the pill, and I finished a course of antibiotics last Monday, and although they didn't say they would affect the pill's effectiveness, i followed the 7 day rule just to make sure. However, I stopped the pill for my withdrawal bleed on that Thursday. I start the pill again this Friday. I was wondering whether the '7 day rule' would also apply to the pill-free week, or whether I have to wait to take the pill for 7 days after to have protection.

I hope this makes sense! Thank you

Re: Antibiotics and the pill

Posted: Wed May 11, 2016 1:49 pm
by Redskies
Did you let the healthcare provider who prescribed the antibiotic for you, and/or the pharmacist who gave it to you, know that you're on the pill? If you told them and they didn't say anything, you can be assured that there's no issue with the antibiotic and your pill.

The majority of antibiotics - including the ones that are usually prescribed for many common issues - don't impact the pill. We have more details: Something You Can Worry About Less: Interference and Hormonal Birth Control

In any case, it certainly doesn't hurt to use a back-up method like condoms, if that would give you extra peace of mind.

Re: Antibiotics and the pill

Posted: Wed May 11, 2016 2:10 pm
by kudfc6f5duxc

I asked the pharmacist and she said there shouldn't be any interference.

As a general rule, would I still be covered even in my 7 day break, or would I have to wait for the hormones to 'build up' again?

Thank you for your help :)

Re: Antibiotics and the pill

Posted: Wed May 11, 2016 2:19 pm
by Carmen
Hi esTa,

The pill is equally as effective during the seven day placebo week as the rest of the month.
If you want to read more about the inner workings of the pill this is a good read :) Combined Oral Contraceptives (The Pill)
Here's another good one regarding the specifics of the placebo week: How do birth control pills really work, even during the placebo period?

Re: Antibiotics and the pill

Posted: Thu May 12, 2016 3:58 am
by kudfc6f5duxc

Is that even with antibiotics? So I'm fine if I wait 7 days anywhere in my cycle- the fact I was on my placebo pills immediately after finishing my course of antibiotics shouldn't affect the protection? :)

Re: Antibiotics and the pill

Posted: Thu May 12, 2016 4:22 am
by Sam W
Hi Esta,

Yes, as long as you did not see the antibiotic listed in that article as causing problems (and your doctor or pharmacist didn't say anything), you can assume you were still protected during the placebo period. But, as Redskies said, if you're looking to take away any remaining anxiety about that, you can use condoms as a back-up.