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Support beyond your boothang

Posted: Thu May 19, 2016 11:10 am
by al
It often seems like there are a lot of unspoken expectations out there that a person's significant other(s) are their primary source of emotional support/validation. This may be true for a lot of the population, but people often have a whole other support network made up of family members, friends, mentors, religious leaders, etc. that can also be incredible sources of reassurance, solidarity, and validation. SOs/lovers/baes get celebrated on Valentine's Day, and parents get acknowledged and thanked on Mother's/Father's Day, but what about the other people in our lives who lift us up and keep us going? It seems like they should also be getting the same amount of acknowledgement (or maybe even more, as being someone's supportive friend doesn't necessary carry the same title as their parent or SO).

Who makes up your support network, and how do they help you when you turn to them in times of need?

Are you a part of someone else's support network? How do you provide support to the people you're close to?

Do you do anything to appreciate those other supportive people in your life? Does anyone do the same for you?

Re: Support beyond your boothang

Posted: Mon May 23, 2016 8:13 am
by Jacob
You know, on valentine's day I just invited a bunch of people round in a group message saying how I appreciate them all so much and would they all be my valentines. So I cooked people a bunch of food and it was lovely!