Need to pee from vaginal stimulation but it is not an orgasm

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Need to pee from vaginal stimulation but it is not an orgasm

Unread post by Hepz »

Whenever I finger myself and once with my ex boyfriend fingering me, I have felt the need to pee from vaginal stimulation.
I am aware that sometimes this can be an orgasm from the g spot however I really do not think this is it as it is quite literally as soon as anything goes deep enough I feel I need to pee. I have not had sex but am worried as I wouldn't want this irritation for when I do in the future also I am able to orgasm from clitoral stimulation with no problem of the feeling of needing to pee
Thank you for reading :)
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Re: Need to pee from vaginal stimulation but it is not an orgasm

Unread post by Heather »

It's not unusual for sexual activities like deep manual sex or vaginal intercourse to put pressure on the bladder. As well, it's not unusual for stimulation of the vagina, internal or external clitoris to create a sensation that feels like having to urinate.

But if you are sure to urinate before sex, those sensations are usually minimal and nothing bothersome nor to worry about. Can I ask why you feel concerned about this?
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Re: Need to pee from vaginal stimulation but it is not an orgasm

Unread post by Hepz »

Am concerned that when I do have sex or any sort of intercourse that it may lead to squirting or peeing and just hoping that it is normal
Thank you for replying so quickly
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Re: Need to pee from vaginal stimulation but it is not an orgasm

Unread post by Heather »

Well, what if it did? Ultimately, ejaculation and urine really aren't all that different -- and both are normal, in that they are normal things bodies can do -- so the idea that one is acceptable and the other isn't is pretty iffy, and isn't based on much that's factual. (Too, you might want to think about the fact that for many people who have given birth, peeing a little during just about any part of life, including sex, often for the rest of life, is just the deal, so it's not like that's unusual in the first place.)

It might also be worth thinking about that nobody ever seems to worry about someone with a penis ejaculating during sex, so worrying about someone without one doing so is a pretty massive double standard.

But when someone empties their bladder before sex, if there's anything in it, there's nothing TO urinate with, unless you're drinking a bunch of water (or something else) during sexual activity. So, again, so long as you empty your bladder first, the likelihood of you urinating during sex is pretty slim.
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Re: Need to pee from vaginal stimulation but it is not an orgasm

Unread post by Hepz »

Thank you very much you are completely right!
I think I am only worried as I am just like every other teenager quite insecure. But as you pointed out whatever my body does it is supposed to do and I agree with the double standard point and if any man or woman doesn't like what my body does during sex then they can not have sex with me at all.
Thank you again for giving me a better viewpoint on this
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Re: Need to pee from vaginal stimulation but it is not an orgasm

Unread post by Heather »

For sure, no matter what our bodies do or don't do, or how they do or don't respond, being sexual with someone else basically requires that we're vulnerable in some ways, and that we're going to be letting someone see and be with our bodies, including being part of the things they do we maybe don't feel so confident about, or even comfortable with.

So, part of our choices -- both in having any kind of sex with someone else at all, but also in who we choose to be sexual with -- is going to be about if we feel ready for all that, okay enough with it AND if that's something we feel good about in the unique sexual situation at hand, with the unique person we are with or might be with.

What I'd advise then, is just that this is something you make part of your sexual choices. If you don't feel comfortable with this stuff with anyone yet, then by all means, wait until you do. A lot of teenagers don't feel comfortable enough with their own bodies and sexual responses yet to be sexual with partners, and there's nothing wrong with that. It's not like you have to push yourself to be ready for or comfortable with any part of sex you aren't yet: you get to have a sexual life that fits with a pace that feels right for you.

Or, if you feel like you're not ready for any of this with a specific partner -- or just that something about them makes you feel less comfortable with how your body might respond -- then either slow down until you feel differently (building more trust over more time often helps), or just nix that person as a sexual partner, period. :)
Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has. - Margaret Mead
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