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Bleeding during sex

Posted: Sat May 28, 2016 12:02 pm
by CRV_13
So my boyfriend and I have been sexually active for a while, almost a year now, and this hasn't really happened before. After having sex the other night, we turned on the light to find that there was blood everywhere, on his hands, on my shirt, and on the sheets. (We both freaked out initially, because it looked kind of like a crime scene.) I'm not supposed to be on my period for another two weeks. It wasn't painful while it was happening, only when I got home and the day after. I've read that bleeding during sex is normal while on the pill, but I haven't been on the pill for a long time now. This hasn't happened to this extent before, I've only ever had light spotting after. I just wanted to know, should I be worried? And should I get it checked out? Thank you!

Re: Bleeding during sex

Posted: Sat May 28, 2016 12:09 pm
by Sam W

Just to clarify, did the bleeding stop after a day or two? It did it indeed morph into a period (complete with period symptoms)?

We can't say for certain what caused the bleeding in this instance. Generally, bleeding during sex is caused by either a lack of lubrication (even if you're into what's going on, more lube may be needed) or a lack of arousal (as in you're tense, you not quite aroused enough yet). You can read more about those factors in more detail here:
From OW! to WOW! Demystifying Painful Intercourse

And, just to check, are you and your partner up to date on your STI testing?

Re: Bleeding during sex

Posted: Sat May 28, 2016 9:21 pm
by CRV_13
We are both up to date on testing. And the bleeding did stop the next day. If its caused by a lack of lubrication or arousal, do I need to go to a doctor?

Re: Bleeding during sex

Posted: Sun May 29, 2016 10:58 am
by Heather
If it was caused by a lack of lubrication, you just need to use, or use more of, a lubricant. If it was caused by a lack of arousal, you just need to assure, moving forward, you're not having that kind of sex until and unless you're aroused first and during. :)