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Unread post by Brightlights04 »


Thank you for your website, i has helped me though so much.

I have been under a lot of stress the past two weeks and i especially havent been sleeping well the last few days mainly because i have had brown discharge for 4 days now and my period was supposed to start yesterday and i am usually pretty regular.

I have mainly been worried about pregnancy risk. The the last two weeks that i have had sex they were both with a condom and no ejaculation, the first time it rolled up a bit maybe a quarter of the way but didnt come off. And the last time when my boyfriend was withdrawing the condom slipped off and half was inside my vagina and the other half was outside with the open end out! And yes boyfriend did get a lecture that he needs to hold the base as he withdraws but by then it was too late.

Ive never had discharge more then 3 days before my period and unfortunately i let google get the better of me and was talking about implantation bleeding which has stressed me out even more! Could stress cause the discharge?
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Re: Stressing

Unread post by Heather »

Stress doesn't cause discharges, no.

Can I ask when you were last STI tested and when you last had a general sexual health exam? I ask because since you clearly have been sexually active, the first thing we want to rule out when our discharges look way different when we're used to is an infection.
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