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Question - HSV

Posted: Sun Sep 07, 2014 6:52 am
by aj2234
Hi, I just had a quick question regarding HSV. I know that the virus is spread primarily through skin-to-skin contact, but I was just wondering if it was possible to contract the virus through objects, e.g. shared hand soap or soap in the shower? Would it be possible to spread/contract the virus through shared soap and other inanimate objects?

Re: Question - HSV

Posted: Sun Sep 07, 2014 6:55 am
by aj2234
Sorry, but just to add, I'm referring more to a bar of soap rather than gel. :)

Re: Question - HSV

Posted: Sun Sep 07, 2014 8:34 am
by Heather
If and when someone has an active sore, then yes, any objects they have had contact with with that sore, specifically, can be a means of transmission, such as toothbrushes, cups, etc.

Is there someone you live with - with soap, you would be talking about soap used for washing the genitals or face, which I assume you would only be sharing with someone you are already very close to - who has HSV?

Re: Question - HSV

Posted: Sun Sep 07, 2014 2:51 pm
by aj2234
I'm not close to this person. It's my boyfriend's brother's girl friend. I know HSV is common, but I definitely don't have it (at least before now). I am veey concerned because I am uncertain whether she had a sore or not and whether or not ahe showered before be before I used the soap on my genitals.

Re: Question - HSV

Posted: Sun Sep 07, 2014 3:09 pm
by Heather
That sounds awfully far removed from you to have this concern, especially since you have no idea if this person even has Herpes in the first place.

However, since soap is not a thing we put in our mouths, I assume you worry she may have genital herpes. If so, please know people with genital herpes are not usually clueless about when they have an active sore and not sharing things with others when they do. If and when someone gets herpes, all of a sudden not being considerate of other people and their health is not a side effect. :)

But for sure, as just a general rule per health and hygeine, sharing a bar of soap with just whoever is not so wise. If you live somewhere where a shower or bath is shared with a bunch of people, you either want to have shower soap be liquid soap with a dispenser, or have folks have their own bar soap for themselves.

Re: Question - HSV

Posted: Sun Sep 07, 2014 3:24 pm
by aj2234
Sorry, I should have clarified - my concern is that she may have had an oral sore and washed her face with the soap prior to me using it on my body/genitals. It was just, one red-looking lump/lesion around her lip. I know it seems far removed, but I'm a very 'what if..?' person so I just wanted to clarify so I could stop being so anxious about it. :/