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Am I just being paranoid ??

Posted: Fri Jun 17, 2016 1:38 pm
by Heretheirony
Hey , so I'm 15 and I just lost my virginity 3 days ago . Since then I been having a light burn when I'm pee , which I've been told happens when the hymen is broken . But then this morning I got my period and the light burn haven't stopped . My pee doesn't smell and Is clear , which is a good sign I don't have a uti but I'm not sure cause I still have the burn sensation . Is it still just the hymen ??

Re: Am I just being paranoid ??

Posted: Fri Jun 17, 2016 2:22 pm
by Mo
Hi there,

Sometimes people can have some pain after intercourse; this isn't necessarily related to your hymenal tissue, though. Pain can happen if someone isn't relaxed or aroused enough beforehand, or if not enough lubricant is used - minor abrasions can happen in cases like this. Pain that is only happening when you're urinating sounds like it could be a different issue, though, and you really can't rule out a UTI just from the color or scent of your urine. Some STIs also have symptoms of burning with urination; did you and your partner use condoms during intercourse? Have either of you had STI tests before? Since this pain has been going on for three days, if it hasn't gone away in a day or two then it's a good idea to check in with a healthcare provider. We can't diagnose the problem, but pain that persists for several days is definitely something worth looking into.

Re: Am I just being paranoid ??

Posted: Fri Jun 17, 2016 2:28 pm
by Heretheirony
Mo wrote:Hi there,

Sometimes people can have some pain after intercourse; this isn't necessarily related to your hymenal tissue, though. Pain can happen if someone isn't relaxed or aroused enough beforehand, or if not enough lubricant is used - minor abrasions can happen in cases like this. Pain that is only happening when you're urinating sounds like it could be a different issue, though, and you really can't rule out a UTI just from the color or scent of your urine. Some STIs also have symptoms of burning with urination; did you and your partner use condoms during intercourse? Have either of you had STI tests before? Since this pain has been going on for three days, if it hasn't gone away in a day or two then it's a good idea to check in with a healthcare provider. We can't diagnose the problem, but pain that persists for several days is definitely something worth looking into.
Hi , and yes we used protection , plus both of us have been tested , I have had prior uti's ,so I do know the symptoms and it's a type of on and off burn . It is there sometimes when I pee and other times it is not there . So it's very confusing .

Re: Am I just being paranoid ??

Posted: Fri Jun 17, 2016 3:04 pm
by Mo
Doctors are there to help make confusing physical symptoms make more sense, so I do think your best plan of action is to check in with one if you're still noticing pain (even intermittently) after a couple more days.

Re: Am I just being paranoid ??

Posted: Fri Jun 17, 2016 3:14 pm
by Heretheirony
Mo wrote:Doctors are there to help make confusing physical symptoms make more sense, so I do think your best plan of action is to check in with one if you're still noticing pain (even intermittently) after a couple more days.

Alright , thanks for the help :)

Re: Am I just being paranoid ??

Posted: Tue Oct 18, 2016 6:29 am
by KatieCurtis911
You might want to look into some UTI over the counter products for preventing UTI. Cystex has a great one in tablet form that will help build the good bacteria in your body. If there is bad bacteria, you don't just want to kill both bacteria with antibiotics because its like starting all over. I have had slight UTI pain that came and went, if you are worried about a UTIs after sex, the cheapest and easiest route is to try Cystex. Not to mention that you don't have to get your parents involved or people to know what's going on with you. Good luck and I hope it gets better, this idea worked for me.

Re: Am I just being paranoid ??

Posted: Tue Oct 18, 2016 8:50 am
by Heather
Just to be clear - and so no one winds up with an untreated UTI, which can spread to the kidneys and become incredibly dangerous - over the counter medications like Cystex will NOT treat a UTI. Same goes with probiotics. Once someone has a UTI, only antibiotics can treat it.