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Question about oral sex

Posted: Sun Jun 19, 2016 1:06 am
by girl123

This is a weird question, but here goes. I am taking penicillin to treat tonsillitis. By licking some pre-ejaculate, is there a chance of pregnancy, seeing as penicillin destroys the healthy bacteria present in the gut lining? Does that mean that sperm present in the pre-ejaculate will not be digested and somehow make their way to the reproductive system? Or is that impossible anyway, since what enters the digestive system cannot make its way to the reproductive system? Thanks in advance.

Re: Question about oral sex

Posted: Sun Jun 19, 2016 9:05 am
by Heather
The digestive system isn't connected to the reproductive system. To be super-plain (and okay, a little weird, but I do think this'll make it make easy sense for you) about it, this is kind of like thinking that if you could eat lunch by putting a sandwich in your vagina, and it could get to your stomach somehow.

Human reproduction happens through the reproductive system, and for those who become pregnant, that is always only through the vaginal opening. Here's how it happens: Human Reproduction: A Seafarer's Guide.

However -- and sorry to allay one set of fears and give you something else to worry about -- you can get STIs from unprotected oral sex, and if you already have an infection in your mouth or throat, you're more susceptible. So protected oral sex would be the way to go right now, and is always the best way to go with any casual, new or not-yet-in-six-months-of-exclusive-monogamy-partners-where-you-also-haven't-each-had-a-new-STI-screening-at-the-end-of-that-six-months.