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Unread post by Mikeysaiah »

My doctor recommended them and my aunt offered to talk to my legal guardian about it but I'm honestly really scared... I've only ever taken prescription antibiotics and I dont want these to completely change my personality. I don't know what to do anymore even though I think they'll be good for my depression.
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Re: Antidepressants...

Unread post by Karyn »

Hi Mikeysaiah, welcome to Scarleteen.

When your doctor recommended antidepressants for you, did they give you any information about the different kinds there are, and how they work? (Like, for instance, the fact that these medications don't have the potential to change your personality.) Did you have the chance to talk about your concerns and ask your doctor any questions? Taking medication for depression is something that should be carefully considered, but it sounds like it might be helpful for you to get more info on what exactly it is antidepressants do, how they could be helpful for you, what kinds of side effects there are, etc. You may find it really useful, if possible, to schedule another appointment with your doctor to talk these things through with them and see what they say.
"Where there is power, there is resistance." -Michel Foucault
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Re: Antidepressants...

Unread post by Mikeysaiah »

I unfortunately didn't get to talk about them because my guardian was in a hurry but I'll make sure to ask next time, thanks.
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Re: Antidepressants...

Unread post by Heather »

It might help to think about the fact that depression has quite an impact on our personalities, and it can certainly be thought of as changing them. For instance, depression can make it very difficult for people to find the motivation to do even the things they feel most passionate about - a big part of what makes us who we are as individuals - even when they want to do those things more than anything.

So, treatments for depression, including anti-depressant medications, when they're the right choice for someone, are really about managing depression to help guce a person themselves BACK, rather than taking yourself away. :)

When you talk to your healthcare provider again, what I'd suggest you do is be specific with them about these concerns. Like, what parts of your personality are you concerned about changing, or in what way? And what do they think the impact of the SSRIs may -- or may not -- be when it comes to those concerns? Do they see the medication as something they feel confident would improve your life? How? Do they feel medication -- versus something like therapy of some kind, for example -- would be your best choice for your particular depression? Why?
Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has. - Margaret Mead
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