Confused and scared
Posted: Thu Jun 30, 2016 8:29 pm
Hello. So I'm just going to jump right to it. My vagina kind of hurts. At first it was just one side, but then that mostly went away and now it's the other side. About a month ago I noticed a small red bump on the inside of my vagina. It didn't really hurt unless I pushed on it. I believe that went away. After I noticed the pain, I looked for a similar bump. I can't really see anything, but I think I feel a small bump. Touching and looking for a bump makes it hurt more so I refrain from doing that as much as possible. It's not a horrible pain, it feels like a scratch of some sort. I'm really confused about what this could be. I'm not sexually active, so it's not an STD right? A few months ago I got a bit of a bump on my lip that hurt a bit as well, could this be related? Also, I have masturbated before, could that have something to do with it? I could just really use some help. This is really stressing me out. Thank you!