What does the pill do ??

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What does the pill do ??

Unread post by Sundropz »

My period is very irregular. I get it typically every 12 days. They are really heavy and I'm feeling exhausted all the time. My friend told me I should go on the pill to relive the symptoms but I don't actually know what the pill does. I'm 16
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Re: What does the pill do ??

Unread post by Sam W »

Hi Sundropz,

That sounds like no fun at all. If your period is really coming that frequently, it might be time to talk to a doctor anyway to see if there might be an underlying cause.

As for the pill, let's start you off with these two articles to explain how it works: Combined Oral Contraceptives (The Pill)
b]Three questions about taking the birth control pill (and plenty of answers)[/b]
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Re: What does the pill do ??

Unread post by Heather »

Just FYI, a healthcare provider is the right person to figure out what treatment for this - if any - is best. You don't need to figure that out for yourself, and you and your friends won't be able to, anyway, since someone educated and qualified in this area of healthcare has to be involved to first even figure out what's going on, and then make appropriate treatment/management suggestions.

It may be something where they may suggest the pill or another hormonal method of contraception, but it may be something where that's not the right way to go. But they are the right person to figure this out with you. :)
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