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Hilarious Sex

Posted: Wed Jul 20, 2016 2:20 pm
by Jacob
I just want to post a little hurrah for hilarious sex. Hip-hip! ...

We often get the message that in sex you have to be cool or sexy and that 'successful' sex is the most physically pleasurable. There is often a big emphasis on reaching orgasm. For me however, it going completely 'wrong' can be just as fulfilling when you realise how much you and a partner can laugh.

I have to say with me some of the best moments have been when you want to try something new and it completely fails someone falls over or a condom flies accross the room.

Yet when I think about sex I'd like to be having in my life hilarity doesn't always factor into my fantasies or ideals. I guess because fantasies are planned, and humour is usually from something unaccepted. Or maybe I've just been brainwashed by cultural and pop-cultural ideals of 'cool sex'

So I'm interested... what makes sex hilarious for you?

Does it factor into how you think you'd like your future sex life to be?

Re: Hilarious Sex

Posted: Thu Jul 21, 2016 8:06 am
by Sam W
I'm a big fan of humor in my sex life. Generally it comes from making (or, more often, attempting to make) double entendres. I've also cracked up when using flavored condoms/dental dams because the smell so often reminds me of gum or candy.

Re: Hilarious Sex

Posted: Thu Jul 21, 2016 4:21 pm
by Jacob
Accidentally using a flavoured condom is so funny. Especially banana flavour, because anything shaped like a penis, including a penis is enough to make me laugh, so yeah, that is something else... because I'm that immature.

Sexual health sidenote: Flavoured condoms used for penis-in-vagina sex increase the likelihood of a yeast infection because they so often contain sugars., wouldyabeliveit.