Boobs growing fast

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Boobs growing fast

Unread post by Sundropz »

I've always had small boobs I thought they were done growing but recently they have started growing really fast I'm getting stretch marks across them.i find they get tender when I'm close to my time of the month. I'm 16 is this normal ?
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Re: Boobs growing fast

Unread post by Mo »

Yep, breast growth can continue throughout adolescence; it's not unusual to notice a growth spurt at your age. Breast tenderness can increase before/during your period, and also during times of growth, so if both are happening at once it might be extra noticeable, but that's totally normal as well.
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Re: Boobs growing fast

Unread post by Heather »

Too: a lot of people think puberty only lasts a couple years. But in reality, it often lasts 10+ years! People generally aren't finished with puberty, which includes breast size and shape changes until they're in their early or mid-twenties. :)
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Re: Boobs growing fast

Unread post by Sundropz »

Thank you ☺️
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