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Would A GYN be able to tell if I was recently abused?

Posted: Sat Jul 23, 2016 1:24 pm
by 8888
So I was sexually abused as a child by a man. That's about all I know. Sometimes I worry I'm still being abused. I wonder if it is my father and since I still live with him if he could still be hurting me. Would a gynecologist be able to tell if he raped me recently? I mean I guess there could be scars. But what if there is not? I have mental illness too so sometimes I wonder if I am just hallucinating or something.

Re: Would A GYN be able to tell if I was recently abused?

Posted: Sat Jul 23, 2016 9:28 pm
by Carmen
Hi 8888,

I am so sorry you have gone and are going through this. When you say you worry if you are still being abused, what do you mean? What makes you unsure (or sure)?
I read in some of your previous posts that you have a doctor you see and are on medication, have you talked to your doctor about this abuse? And are you seeing any sort of therapist or counselor?
In regards to a gynecologist, there is no yes or no answer to that question. Is there a specific reason you are asking? (I ask so that we can hopefully help you answer or solve that instead)
I'm not sure how well this article may apply to your situation or not, but it sounds like, regardless, you may not be in a place of safety. I would encourage you to give this a read: The Scarleteen Safety Plan

I am glad you reached out to us and I hope we can help support you through out all of this.