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Heat + the pill

Posted: Mon Jul 25, 2016 10:02 am
by Quickquestion7
So I live in Arizona and our cars get pretty hot in the summer but I've never left my birth control in direct sunlight or in the car without air conditioning for longer than 5-10 minutes (and it was in my purse in my wallet). I have walked around in the 105 degree heat with it in my bag, but never for more than 30 minutes. I thought I would be okay because I've never had problems in the past but then this past weekend I thought I might have been ovulating (I had a little bit of clear discharge and it was around day 14 of my cycle). I didn't have sex so I'm not worried about getting pregnant I just wanted to know for future reference if the heat may have caused my pill to be less effective or if the discharge I saw was probably unrelated to me ovulating.

(Some additional info: I'm really good about taking my pill at the same time every day and I have seen clear discharge before on the pill but it wasn't in the middle of my cycle so that's why I wasn't very concerned at first but then I thought about it and got a little paranoid lol)

Re: Heat + the pill

Posted: Mon Jul 25, 2016 11:18 am
by Heather
I'm so sorry that during this summer of all summers you're somewhere as horribly hot as AZ!

When heat damaged pills, it's usually something you can actually see in your pill pack. The blister pack covering each pill will tend to look a little sweaty, swollen or misshapen. Do you see anything in your pack that looks different, like that, than usual?

Re: Heat + the pill

Posted: Mon Jul 25, 2016 11:37 am
by Quickquestion7
No I don't notice anything different/unusual! So do you think the discharge was unrelated to my pill not working?

Thanks for your help!

Re: Heat + the pill

Posted: Mon Jul 25, 2016 12:02 pm
by Heather
You're welcome! :P

Clear discharge isn't only something that happens with and from ovulation. It's also something that shows up at other times, and usually includes the fluids that are just there to keep the vagina healthy. :)

But for sure, do your best to keep your pills (and any medications) in a cool dry place as much as you can and do what you can to limit times -- as you already have been -- they're in the heat to short periods of time.

Re: Heat + the pill

Posted: Mon Jul 25, 2016 1:11 pm
by Quickquestion7
Okay! Thanks again! :)

Re: Heat + the pill

Posted: Mon Jul 25, 2016 1:51 pm
by Heather
My pleasure. :)