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Accidentally removed Nuvaring early

Posted: Mon Sep 08, 2014 10:01 pm
by sparklecow
I misread my calendar and accidentally took out my nuvaring a week early. I had it in from Aug 17-31, and put a new one in yesterday (sept 7). I only just realized today that I had removed it too early - I didn't notice anything was wrong because I had a normal period during my ring-free week. I had unprotected sex at least once during my ring-free week. I'm panicking a little. (okay, more than a little) Where do I go from here? Should I take Plan B? Is there a great risk that I could be pregnant? How long should I wait before having sex without back-up birth control? Should I just wait three more weeks and see if I get my period during my ring-free week, or can I take a pregnancy test now?

Re: Accidentally removed Nuvaring early

Posted: Tue Sep 09, 2014 8:45 am
by Heather
How long ago was the sex -- intercourse, I assume? -- you engaged in?

If it was less than 120 hours ago, then yes, since you shortened your active ring time, I would suggest Plan B if you want to reduce your risks. In terms of when you can test for pregnancy, I'd suggest waiting two to three weeks from when you last engaged in sex.

And I would by all means use a backup method from now until you get to your next placebo time.

In the future, it might be helpful to you to use a phone alarm or a calendar to let you know when it's time to remove your ring, just like some folks use either to remind them about taking a daily pill. It's easy for dates to get away from us sometimes, it happens. But obviously, if you can do something to guard against it with this, it's important (as you know).