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Blood on Toilet Paper?

Posted: Tue Aug 09, 2016 6:30 pm
by jackojacko2000
Hi, I didn't know if it was appropriate to post this here but I couldn't find anywhere else. I went to the toilet about an hour ago and when I wiped, a little bit of blood was on the toilet paper. It wasn't painful, I didn't notice it until I looked in the toilet and saw the paper had a little bit of (light) blood on it. I had a short google and couldn't figure out what to do. This is the first time this has ever happened. I have Aspergers and Social Anxiety so going to the doctors for this would make me extremely anxious and, frankly, disturbed so I would rather not.
P.S I've never had sex.

Re: Blood on Toilet Paper?

Posted: Wed Aug 10, 2016 5:25 am
by Sam W
Hi jackojacko

We can't really diagnose what it was. If it was only once and very minor then it's likely nothing to be worried about. However, if it starts happening more frequently or gets more intense, then it's time to check in with a healthcare provider (even if that might be intimidating)