I like big butts

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I like big butts

Unread post by bigbywolf »

Hi!! Is it flooding if I've already posted two threads?? If so, I'm so sorry!!
Yesterday I had anal for the first time with my partner and I was the receiver. Everything went well- except (and I feel 100% guilty about this) we didn't use a condom. any other anal experience from this point will definitely have one, but from this experience alone, with the knowledge we're both clear of stis/stds, what is the likelihood that my partner is going to get an infection??
Eddie C
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Re: I like big butts

Unread post by Eddie C »

If both of you are up to date with your STI's testing -- which from what you said, looks like you are -- then the risk of infections is low. But with anal sex there's also the risk of bacterial infections. Remember that the tissue of the anus is more delicate than the vaginal tissue and it doesn't lubricate by itself so using not only a condom but lube is always recommended to avoid injury and any kind of infection.
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Re: I like big butts

Unread post by bigbywolf »

We used enough lube to flood a small country so I think we're all clear on that one. :lol: thank you though for putting my mind at ease about my partners safety. May I ask another unrelated question? It's an entirely different type so I don't know if it's out of place for me to ask or not. Basically, if I get withdrawal bleeding while I'm on the pill, it won't disappear after a few days, it will only disappear once I'm on the placebo phase. Can I still assume my pills are doing their job properly?
Eddie C
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Re: I like big butts

Unread post by Eddie C »

Periods can change and be weird sometimes even when on the pill so, as long as you take the pills the way you should -- no late or missing pills -- you can think they are doing their work. :)
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Re: I like big butts

Unread post by bigbywolf »

To expand on that, is there any way to stop six an excessive breakthrough bleed? I'm on Ava 20ed, and am only meant to go onto the placebo pills every third packet as directed by my doctor. I spoke with her about the fact that normally in the second packet along I get breakthrough bleeding. Each time it doesn't stop until I start taking my placebo (this meant what could be up to a three week period for me, not fun :-( ). I asked my doctor if, when I started my withdrawal bleed while still on active pills if I could just go onto placebo straight away. She said as long as I only did that into the second or third packet (thus having at least 21 days of active pill taking) this was an ok thing to do. My question is, WHY doesn't my withdrawal bleed stop unless I go onto the placebo pills? And can a change in pill brand change this? Also, when it's a combined birth control pill such as mine, why is the placebo phase seven days? Why not, say, five?
Sam W
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Re: I like big butts

Unread post by Sam W »

Since it sounds like you're healthcare provider has been receptive to your questions, so I would check with them about what your options in terms of changing pills to see if that changes how your body has been reacting. Have they offered up any explanation as to why your withdrawl bleed might be behaving this way?

For my understanding, the placebo length is meant to mimic the length of an average period, which I guess your the people who developed the brand you're on have decided is seven days.
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