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What would be the odds of a pregnancy in this situation?

Posted: Tue Aug 16, 2016 9:17 pm
by sancastleboo
I know this isn't a virtual pregnancy test, so I'm not asking whether or not I'm pregnant. A test will be done at the proper time. Second, I couldn't really decide what category this went into. I'm really just wanting to sort out my own thoughts and feelings and get some opinions on the likelihood of pregnancy.

A week ago, I lost my virginity to a guy I've been seeing. It is important to note that during this time, I was on the 4th day of my period. We also used a condom. First, before any kind of contact, he put on a condom. He then went inside me, but only for a few minutes because his leg was hurting. He did not ejaculate. After that, I gave him a BJ, and then we decided to try again. To be clear, he took off the first one and then put on a fresh one before ANY penetration. We went for another few minutes, but we stopped before he ejaculated once again. The condom was not broken either time.

I've been feeling some pain on one side of my uterus, not sure if it's implantation or just ovulation. My breasts are slightly sore, but probably only because I've been repeatedly feeling them for any pain. Also I have a cold, which I found out today it's a common pregnancy symptom. It's really frustrating. Every little symptom I have, google says "Pregnant...early pregnancy...possible...likely pregnancy symptom...etc." It's starting to make me mad. On the other hand, some people have told me "You're okay if you used condoms and he pulled out." Am i worrying too much?

It sounds ridiculous, I know. But other people have said they got pregnant using BOTH condoms AND the pill. In my case, I was on my period, used condoms properly, AND he pulled out. I was just hoping someone would set the record straight.

I've also been reading about home/herbal abortion options. One of them was laxatives. I took those last night and was up all night going to the bathroom. I know it's probably not the wisest thing, but I was hoping if there was anything, the lax would have terminated it.

Re: What would be the odds of a pregnancy in this situation?

Posted: Tue Aug 16, 2016 11:23 pm
by Snorkmaiden
So you used condoms and withdrawal? You can look up the effectiveness of that combination in this article: ... ol_with_a_