Extremely strange long-term change of arousal and pleasure

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Extremely strange long-term change of arousal and pleasure

Unread post by Cannon »

This is gonna be weird and long. Please bear with me.

KEEP IN MIND that I have a doctors appointment in one month, but because this seems like an issue for a gyno it probably will be 2+ months until the appointment for that specialist could go through and this issue could be fixed.
What I'm mainly looking for is some advice bc I'm starting college in three weeks and want some advice/insight on the issue earlier then that.

I'll go over my background when it comes to my sexuality (or lack thereof)...

-Monthly cycle doesn't influence my emotions whatsoever, I feel like I have no hormones and unemotional 24/7 and this has been me my entire life
-may have something to do with me being somewhat overweight since I was born, I've never been skinny
-I used to never get aroused and I'm not attracted to anyone real :oops:
-never have been sexually active
-I can still appreciate the physical sensations of pleasure, being able bring myself to orgasm using my clit and/or my g-spot. I used to only do so once every few days and make sure to sanitize my hands...

Nonetheless, something changed.
I started feeling sore in my vagina two months ago and had stopped masturbating vaginally for the past month because of it...of course I thought this was some sort of an infection, but it was sooo unbearable after one long day that I had to find some sort of comfort and against my better judgment I fingered myself and wow...
when I was coming down from that high I realized that the tension had vanished during the session and that wasn't even the strangest part...we all know that there are more nerve endings in the clit, right? Well, for some reason it feels just soooo much better than my clit ever has without all that much effort. I never heard about this happening to a woman before...

On top of that takes me a minute to bring myself to orgasm. Like, what the hell? Isn't it supposed to be 5+ minutes for a vaginal one? During later attempts the tension sometimes returns a few minutes later. If I'm lucky, it stays away for a few hours but if I'm not then I have to try again. I don't have all the time in the world!

Here's some more up-to-date info:

-I have birth control and I never used it up until last week, but it did nothing these past few days even though the brand is well known to kill libido
-for the first time ever I think I might be a little aroused randomly sometimes? Hard nipples, feeling hot, etc..it's not anything as crazy as what I've heard happens to other girls (engorged clit, etc) but it's still pretty extreme for me
-I have gotten really horrible chin acne for the past few weeks which is thought to be associated with hormonal issues...never had this issue before
-my last period was 2 weeks ago. I already had the problem before but it's like afterwards the feelings intensified

So anyways back to the point...

I'm going to college in 3 weeks and I'll have to be active all day and it's gonna be a nightmare. The tension is too uncomfortable and puts me in a really irritable mood if I can't get relief. I can't be running off to my room (which is a single one thank god :mrgreen: ) in between classes so I need to fix this issue or my college life might be ruined.

Nothing much has changed about my diet or lifestyle and I don't know what brought this on. Please help me. What's going on with my body? Is it normal? Is there anything that I can do/eat/take to fix it (at least temporarily)?

Oh, and side question: would using a vibrator help? I mean, I've never used one but maybe...it'd be like a massage or something that I could remotely control as I need it. :shock:

PS: I actually do have an old account but IDK what happened to it. RIP
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Re: Extremely strange long-term change of arousal and pleasure

Unread post by Karyn »

So without knowing what your doctor will say, there's not a lot we can tell you: this is clearly a physical issue of some kind that needs to be addressed, and that's not something we can help with. If you do want to come back and discuss this more after you've had your appointment, you're more than welcome to do that, but at this point anything I could suggest would just be a guess.

In the meantime, you can absolutely try a vibrator if you want.
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