After pill

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Lilian Reyes
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After pill

Unread post by Lilian Reyes »

I took the pill "My Way" on Wednesday and I'm started to feel sick Friday and today. I feel like throwing but yet again I don't. I don't feel tired at all and I stood up all night. I feel hungry but it fade away and comes back. I been feeling dizzy once in a while. I had cramps on Thursday. Is this a good sign or bad sign? Is the pill working??
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Re: After pill

Unread post by Heather »

Side effects of emergency contraception -- or the lack of them -- aren't indications of the medication working to prevent pregnancy or not. Some people have some side effects, others do not; some people (most people) do not become pregnant after using emergency contraception, others do. But those four groups just don't really have anything to do with each other.

So, none of this is about good signs or bad signs of anything. All side effects are are a sign you have taken a medication that can have those side effects (though some things you are listing here, like not being tired, aren't a possible side effect, so weren't even likely about the pill), and you are having some of them.
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