What's every form of birth control that can possibly be used at once?

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What's every form of birth control that can possibly be used at once?

Unread post by ProxyFox »

Hello. I am 16 and male (actually non-binary but as far as everyone else knows I'm male) and I just started junior year. I wanna start dating this year and that means I may have some sex. I'm bi so I'm not too worried about having it with guys, but with girls I just really really really a million times don't wanna get somebody pregnant. What's every kind of birth control me and a girl could use at the same time?
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Re: What's every form of birth control that can possibly be used at once?

Unread post by Heather »

Ultimately, more than any two methods, used consistently and correctly, are not going to give anyone any more protection than two. In other words, once you're at two methods, always used and always used properly, it's as good as it can get, which is never going to be at 100% no matter what you do.

And you can only use the methods available to YOU: what a partner uses, wants to use (and doesn't), or even can use will only ever be up to her. And your options, as someone with a penis, are basically not having that kind of sex (which of course would give you 100% protection against pregnancy), using condoms, using withdrawal and, later in life, vasectomy.

But, if even the smallest risk of pregnancy, at any time in life, just totally freaks you out and is not something you ever want to risk, then really, you probably want to consider if you want to have the kind of sex that presents that risk at all.
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