The probability of getting pregnant in this situation?
Posted: Tue Aug 23, 2016 7:22 am
I can't remember exactly what day I missed my pill but I do know I made it up the day after, so the next day I took both at the same time instead of just the one. This was only a few days ago. Friday night into Saturday morning I had sex. We used a condom and he ejaculated but then things got heated again and he penetrated me for less than a minute, obviously not ejaculating until later while we were using a condom. I've been googling (i know, bad idea) but I read that pre-ejaculate can pick up and sperm that may have been "left behind" in the urethra and though it's a small amount could still possibly get you pregnant. It's only been three days, and the day after I was cramping really bad but I usually do after sex because sex is painful for me sometimes. I've felt nauseous and dizzy with head aches but I've also been known to worry and cause symptoms in myself ANY time something could possibly be wrong. I do plan on taking a pregnancy test but not until I'm supposed to get my period which is this weekend. I just wanted to get some insight and hopefully calm myself until my period gets here!! Thank you