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What gender am I?

Posted: Wed Aug 24, 2016 2:29 pm
by Blackheart
I'm 13 and I was born female, most of the time I identify as female, but occasionally I identify as male. When I'm having a 'female day' I wear skirts and make up, but on a male day I'm the opposite. What's happening? I'm not gender neutral because I am a female and I am a male just not at the same time. Please can someone explain what's going on. Is this normal? I am male, but sometimes I am female, everyone calls me she and sometimes this gets annoying because I'm not?!

Re: What gender am I?

Posted: Thu Aug 25, 2016 5:31 am
by Sam W
Hi Blackheart and welcome to the boards,

The tricky thing is, we can't tell you what you are or how you should identify. That's something you get to work out for yourself. What we can do is give you some tools to help with that process. Have you had the chance to read about being genderqueer or gender fluid (those sound like they might fit how you're feeling)?

I also want to give you this article, since it sounds like not knowing is making you feel at least a little stressed: