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Birth Control and Bleeding

Posted: Wed Sep 10, 2014 5:58 pm
by natcmau
I started a triphasic oral contraceptive about three and a half weeks ago. I started the pills during the middle of my cycle as opposed to waiting until the day of my period. Everything was fine up until these last few days. I have been having horrible cramps and bleeding extremely heavily, sometimes to the point where a super tampon is fully saturated in two hours max. Is this because I started the birth control at an odd time in my cycle? Do many women experience this? Am I still protected from pregnancy as much as I can be? I take the pill at the same time every night and have been taking them every day since I started the pack.

Re: Birth Control and Bleeding

Posted: Wed Sep 10, 2014 6:04 pm
by Heather
Has this been something you have experienced before with menstrual periods? Or is heavy flow and cramping something very unusual for you, in general?

Also, had you not started the pill, would you be expecting a period around now?

Re: Birth Control and Bleeding

Posted: Wed Sep 10, 2014 6:23 pm
by natcmau
I have severe periods usually because I have poly-cystic ovarian syndrome, but this is just an excessive amount of blood. And yes, had I not started the pill, it was projected that my period would've started around this time, though they're pretty unpredictable due to the cysts.

Re: Birth Control and Bleeding

Posted: Wed Sep 10, 2014 6:26 pm
by Heather
So, what this most likely is, then, is your withdrawal bleed starting, and it being pretty much like you are used to with your period.

But because you are saying this is heavier flow than usual, and you have PCOS, I would suggest calling into your healthcare provider who treats you for that - probably the same one who prescribed your pill? - just to be sure they do not think there is cause for concern,

Re: Birth Control and Bleeding

Posted: Wed Sep 10, 2014 6:29 pm
by natcmau
Okay, thank you. How long does withdrawal bleeding typically last? It's just such a hassle and I want it to be over with haha I've bled for about five days now, with no signs of any change in flow. Am I still protected from pregnancy by the pill even though I started it in the middle of my cycle? My partner and I always use a second type of contraception anyways, just to be on the safe side, but my mind would rest easier knowing the pill was doing its job as well.

Re: Birth Control and Bleeding

Posted: Wed Sep 10, 2014 6:33 pm
by Heather
Generally, once someone is on the pill, after a few cycles it will be around as long as your periods normally are, sometimes a bit shorter. But, of course, having something like PCOS or endometriosis complicates that a bit, as they do periods, so that is a better question for your doctor per what you, specifically, should expect.

When people start a method like the pill mid-cycle, they are generally advised to figure they will not have full effectiveness until they begin their second cycle (until you start the next pack).

Re: Birth Control and Bleeding

Posted: Wed Sep 10, 2014 6:41 pm
by natcmau
Okay, so all of this is normal, from what you suspect? I know to talk to my healthcare provider as well. It's not spotting. It's a lot of blood. And it started three days into the last week of active pills and has been going on since, so like 5-6 days. My periods are usually pretty long, but never this heavy.
So now when I start the second pack, I will have the full benefits of the pill?

Re: Birth Control and Bleeding

Posted: Wed Sep 10, 2014 7:00 pm
by Sam W
Correct, once you begin your second pack, you can assume you are at full effectiveness.