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Anxiety and dating

Posted: Sat Aug 27, 2016 10:27 pm
by ProxyFox
Hello, I am currently being treated for generalized anxiety disorder and panic disorder. I'm a bisexual amab non-binary kid in a catholic school so I can't come out. I feel trapped because I can't date guys cause it'd make me a target for student and staff at my school, and I can't date girls because I'd have to tell them I'm bi eventually but since they're Catholic they'd probably leave me. On top of that I feel that even if I found someone I'd just drag them down with my anxiety disorders.

I really want to date though. I crave that affection. What do I do?

I should also mention I'm an atheist.

Re: Anxiety and dating

Posted: Sun Aug 28, 2016 10:34 am
by Redskies
Perhaps the first step here might be to tackle what sounds like some isolation, at least in terms of your identity?

Is there any kind of LGBTQ or GSA group in or attached to your school? If not, is there some kind of LGBTQ youth group in or around your community, or in a nearby city? Would you like to and be able to get involved with something like that?

Catholic school can certainly be tough for anyone who's not straight or cis. While the school environment might not be good, it's worth remembering that some of your fellow students - Catholic or not - won't share that bigotry. The trick would just be in finding the right people, because other LGBTQ students may also not be public about it, and friendly straight/cis folk may not broadcast their inclusive opinions.