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Sperm transferred around!

Posted: Sun Aug 28, 2016 11:03 am
by Curious99
So a week ago I had sex (vaginal-penis intercourse) with my gf using condom+withdrawal. I am pregnancy scared because I think I accidentally touched some pre ejaculate and then tranferred it on the outside of the condom. There are already a lot of topics for this issue so I don't want to make another one. What I want to ask is where you found the information that sperm can't cause pregnancy after being tranferred around from place to place? I think I've seen Redskies saying it more than once (no offence).

Re: Sperm transferred around!

Posted: Sun Aug 28, 2016 11:39 am
by Redskies
No offence taken - it's a smart thing to check where information comes from and how reliable it is, especially with something as important as health information.

The thing you're asking about isn't a new and radical piece of information, it's part of basic information about how reproduction does and doesn't happen. Pieces on the site which talk more about that are:
Human Reproduction: A Seafarer's Guide
Who's Afraid of Sperm Cells?

To walk yourself through your current concerns, and links to a lot more of our information: The Pregnancy Panic Companion

You can have a look at About Scarleteen for more about Scarleteen as a sex education organisation. As a whole staff, we make sure to keep up-to-date with other reliable sex education organisations, with changes in medical information and provision, and with reliable academic studies. There aren't really banners flying around anywhere with the specific information you're asking about, though, because it's part of basic reproduction facts and isn't subject to change in the way that, for example, a contraceptive method might be adapted or developed.

Re: Sperm transferred around!

Posted: Sun Aug 28, 2016 12:06 pm
by Curious99
Thank you very much for your fast reply and the articles you linked, Redskies! I just wanted to be sure because I searched about it (Google, not any special research) and I didn't find something.

Re: Sperm transferred around!

Posted: Sun Aug 28, 2016 12:08 pm
by Redskies
You're welcome!