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Just checking

Posted: Mon Aug 29, 2016 6:09 am
by aj2234
Hey there. I've been a bit stressed lately so I just wanted to check something. This evening I took my pill as per usual (8pm). Around 10:30 I ate a cake, then felt a bad urge to go to the bathroom, where I'm pretty sure I pooed out the undigested cake. I went to take a spare pill to be sure. I had water in my mouth, popped the pill in, then suddenly felt uncomfortable and took the pill out and put it on my desk. I realise I didn't have any more spare pills, so quickly (in seconds) put the pill back in and, after some difficulty (being stressed and all) swallowed it. Just wanted to check if my actions would affect the effectiveness of the pill at all? Is the pill very easily 'damaged' by water?

Re: Just checking

Posted: Mon Aug 29, 2016 7:50 am
by Onionpie
Hi aj2234. None of what you're describing would have impacted the effectiveness of your pill. In fact, taking the extra pill wouldn't have been necessary at all -- the only digestive issues that may cause problems for the pill would be if you were to vomit soon after taking the pill (as in, within an hour or two), or if you had diarrhea (which is more than just one instance -- diarrhea is defined as several instances in a row of very runny stool). The pill gets dissolved in your stomach within a couple of hours, so having digestive issues several hours later has no affect on it. And no, taking the pill out of your mouth and then quickly putting it back in again would have no negative effect.

It sounds like you're feeling very stressed out and anxious in general, do you want to talk about those feelings?

Re: Just checking

Posted: Tue Aug 30, 2016 5:51 am
by aj2234
Hi Onionpie, thank you for your response. When I took the second pill, I thought it was too close to my pill time. Thanks for the clarification.

I don't really know what to talk about. It's not that I'm adverse to talking, I just don't really know what to say? I was going quite well for a while, trying to relax and taking in advice that you guys had given me previously and I calmed down a lot. But, I've undergone a lot of change recently - primarily that my eczema has flared up and I'm struggling to feel comfortable, and I've recently started working full time. I'm finding it hard to fit in time to make food for myself, exercise, and have 'me' time in addition to working. It's been a bit of a transition that's been getting me down as of late. Working extra hours definitely added to my tiredness/stress from yesterday.

Re: Just checking

Posted: Tue Aug 30, 2016 6:11 am
by Sam W
Hi aj,

It does sound like there are multiple things that are adding to your stress level. When that happens, sometimes our jerkbrain funds something totally unrelated to fixate on. Do you have things in place to do when you start feeling super stressed?

Re: Just checking

Posted: Sat Sep 03, 2016 3:55 am
by aj2234
Hi Sam. For the most part, I do have things to do when I'm stressed. I can talk myself through situations, I go to yoga, I've started walking and things like that, which are all nice and all helpful. It's just sort of a 'perfect storm' kind of situation, with everything coming together at once that's making it a bit more stressful than usual for me right now.

Re: Just checking

Posted: Sat Sep 03, 2016 6:35 am
by Sam W
That sounds like a good set of coping skills. Since you're in the midst of a lot right now, maybe make a plan to spend even a small chunk of time in the next couple of days doing some of the things that help you feel calm?

Re: Just checking

Posted: Sun Sep 04, 2016 12:26 am
by aj2234
That's a pretty good idea Sam. I'll try and make some time for myself over the next few days. Thanks. :)